Package 'BoomSpikeSlab'

Title: MCMC for Spike and Slab Regression
Description: Spike and slab regression with a variety of residual error distributions corresponding to Gaussian, Student T, probit, logit, SVM, and a few others. Spike and slab regression is Bayesian regression with prior distributions containing a point mass at zero. The posterior updates the amount of mass on this point, leading to a posterior distribution that is actually sparse, in the sense that if you sample from it many coefficients are actually zeros. Sampling from this posterior distribution is an elegant way to handle Bayesian variable selection and model averaging. See <DOI:10.1504/IJMMNO.2014.059942> for an explanation of the Gaussian case.
Authors: Steven L. Scott <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Steven L. Scott <[email protected]>
License: LGPL-2.1 | file LICENSE
Version: 1.2.6
Built: 2025-03-02 05:04:22 UTC

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A spike and slab prior assuming a priori independence.


A spike and slab prior on the regression coefficients. The prior distribution assumes coefficients to be independent.


IndependentSpikeSlabPrior(x = NULL,
                          y = NULL,
                          expected.r2 = .5,
                          prior.df = .01,
                          expected.model.size = 1,
                 = NULL,
                          optional.coefficient.estimate = NULL,
                          mean.y = mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),
                          sdy = sd(as.numeric(y), na.rm = TRUE),
                          sdx = apply(as.matrix(x), 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE),
                          prior.inclusion.probabilities = NULL,
                          number.of.observations = nrow(x),
                          number.of.variables = ncol(x),
                 = FALSE,
                          sigma.upper.limit = Inf)



The design matrix for the regression problem. Missing data is not allowed.


The vector of responses for the regression. Missing data is not allowed.


The expected R-square for the regression. The spike and slab prior requires an inverse gamma prior on the residual variance of the regression. The prior can be parameterized in terms of a guess at the residual variance, and a "degrees of freedom" representing the number of observations that the guess should weigh. The guess at sigma^2 is set to (1-expected.r2) * var(y) .


A positive scalar representing the prior 'degrees of freedom' for estimating the residual variance. This can be thought of as the amount of weight (expressed as an observation count) given to the expected.r2 argument.


A positive number less than ncol(x), representing a guess at the number of significant predictor p variables. Used to obtain the 'spike' portion of the spike and slab prior.

A vector of positive numbers giving the prior standard deviation of each model coefficient, conditionl on inclusion. If NULL it will be set to 10 * the ratio of sdy / sdx.


If desired, an estimate of the regression coefficients can be supplied. In most cases this will be a difficult parameter to specify. If omitted then a prior mean of zero will be used for all coordinates except the intercept, which will be set to mean(y).


The mean of the response vector, for use in cases when specifying the response vector is undesirable.


The standard deviation of the response vector, for use in cases when specifying the response vector is undesirable.


The standard deviations to use when scaling the prior sd of each coefficient.


A vector giving the prior probability of inclusion for each variable.


The number of observations in the data to be modeled.


The number of potential predictor variables in the data to be modeled.

If TRUE the prior variance is sigma_sq * V, where sigma_sq is the residual variance of the linear regression modeled by this prior. Otherwise the prior variance is V, unscaled.


The largest acceptable value for the residual standard deviation. A non-positive number is interpreted as Inf.


A list with with the components necessary to run lm.spike with method "DA".


Steven L. Scott


Ghosh and Clyde (2011) "Rao-Blackwellization for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging in linear and binary regression: A novel data augmentation approach", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106 1041-1052.


x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(900), ncol = 9))
  beta <- rep(0, 10)
  beta[1] <- 3
  beta[5] <- -4
  beta[8] <- 2
  y <- rnorm(100, x %*% beta)
  ## x has 10 columns, including the intercept
  prior <- IndependentSpikeSlabPrior(x, y,
             expected.model.size = 3,  # expect 3 nonzero predictors
             prior.df = .01,           # weaker prior than the default
             optional.coefficient.estimate = rep(0, 10) # shrink to zero
  ## now 'prior' can be fed to 'lm.spike'
  x <- x[, -1]
  model <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter = 1000, prior = prior, model.options = OdaOptions())

Spike and Slab Prior for Regressions with Student T Errors


A spike and slab prior on the parameters of a regression model with Student T errors. The prior assumes independence amon the regression coefficients.


    predictor.matrix = NULL,
    response.vector = NULL,
    expected.r2 = .5,
    prior.df = .01,
    expected.model.size = 1, = NULL,
    optional.coefficient.estimate = NULL,
    mean.y = mean(response.vector, na.rm = TRUE),
    sdy = sd(as.numeric(response.vector), na.rm = TRUE),
    sdx = apply(as.matrix(predictor.matrix), 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE),
    prior.inclusion.probabilities = NULL,
    number.of.observations = nrow(predictor.matrix),
    number.of.variables = ncol(predictor.matrix), = FALSE,
    sigma.upper.limit = Inf,
    degrees.of.freedom.prior = UniformPrior(.1, 100))



The design matrix for the regression problem. Missing data is not allowed.


The vector of responses for the regression. Missing data is not allowed.


The expected R-square for the regression. The spike and slab prior requires an inverse gamma prior on the residual variance of the regression. The prior can be parameterized in terms of a guess at the residual variance, and a "degrees of freedom" representing the number of observations that the guess should weigh. The guess at sigma^2 is set to (1-expected.r2) * var(y) .


A positive scalar representing the prior 'degrees of freedom' for estimating the residual variance. This can be thought of as the amount of weight (expressed as an observation count) given to the expected.r2 argument.


A positive number less than ncol(x), representing a guess at the number of significant predictor p variables. Used to obtain the 'spike' portion of the spike and slab prior.

A vector of positive numbers giving the prior standard deviation of each model coefficient, conditionl on inclusion. If NULL it will be set to 10 * the ratio of sdy / sdx.


If desired, an estimate of the regression coefficients can be supplied. In most cases this will be a difficult parameter to specify. If omitted then a prior mean of zero will be used for all coordinates except the intercept, which will be set to mean(y).


The mean of the response vector, for use in cases when specifying the response vector is undesirable.


The standard deviation of the response vector, for use in cases when specifying the response vector is undesirable.


The standard deviations to use when scaling the prior sd of each coefficient.


A vector giving the prior probability of inclusion for each variable.


The number of observations in the data to be modeled.


The number of potential predictor variables in the data to be modeled.

If TRUE the prior variance is sigma_sq * V, where sigma_sq is the residual variance of the linear regression modeled by this prior. Otherwise the prior variance is V, unscaled.


The largest acceptable value for the residual standard deviation. A non-positive number is interpreted as Inf.


An object of class DoubleModel representing the prior distribution for the Student T tail thickness (or "degrees of freedom") parameter.


An IndependentSpikeSlabPrior with degrees.of.freedom.prior appended.


Steven L. Scott


Ghosh and Clyde (2011) "Rao-Blackwellization for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging in linear and binary regression: A novel data augmentation approach", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106 1041-1052.

Spike and slab regression


MCMC algorithm for linear regression models with a 'spike-and-slab' prior that places some amount of posterior probability at zero for a subset of the regression coefficients.

The model admits either Gaussian or student T errors; the latter are useful in the presence of outliers.


         prior = NULL,
         error.distribution = c("gaussian", "student"),
         contrasts = NULL,
         drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
         model.options = SsvsOptions(),
         ping = niter / 10,
         seed = NULL,

SsvsOptions(adaptive.cutoff = 100,
            adaptive.step.size = .001,
            target.acceptance.rate = .345,
            correlation.swap.threshold = .8)

OdaOptions(fallback.probability = 0.0,
           eigenvalue.fudge.factor = 0.01)



formula for the maximal model (with all variables included), this is parsed the same way as a call to lm.


The number of MCMC iterations to run. Be sure to include enough so you can throw away a burn-in set.


An optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by '' to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in 'data', the variables are taken from 'environment(formula)', typically the environment from which 'lm.spike' is called.


An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


An optional list returned by SpikeSlabPrior. If prior is missing then a default prior will be used. See SpikeSlabPrior.


Specify either Gaussian or Student T errors. If the error distribution is student then the prior must be a StudentSpikeSlabPrior and the SSVS method must be used.


An optional list. See the contrasts.arg argument of model.matrix.default.


Logical indicating whether unobserved factor levels should be dropped from the model.


A list containing the tuning parameters for the desired MCMC method.


The frequency with which to print status update messages to the screen. For example, if ping == 10 then an update will be printed every 10 MCMC iterations.


An integer to use as the random seed for the underlying C++ code. If NULL then the seed will be set using the clock.


Extra arguments to be passed to SpikeSlabPrior (if method == "SSVS") or IndependentSpikeSlabPrior (if method == "ODA").


When using the ODA method, each MCMC iteration will use SSVS instead of ODA with this probability. In cases where the latent data have high leverage, ODA mixing can suffer. Mixing in a few SSVS steps can help keep an errant algorithm on track.


When using the ODA method, the latent X's will be chosen so that the complete data X'X matrix (after scaling) is a constant diagonal matrix equal to the largest eigenvalue of the observed (scaled) X'X times (1 + eigenvalue.fudge.factor). This should be a small positive number.


The traditional SSVS method (sample every predictor at every iteration) will be used when there are fewer than this many predictors. The adaptive method of Benson and Fried will be used if there are more.


The step size scaling factor to use in the adaptive SSVS algorithm.


The target acceptance rate for the adaptive SSVS algorithm.


The minimal absolute correlation required for two variables to be considered for a swap move. Swap moves are currently only supported for less than adaptive.cutoff variables.


There are two MCMC methods available. SSVS is the stochastic search variable selection algorithm from George and McCulloch (1998). ODA is the orthogonal data augmentation method from Clyde and Ghosh (2011). Both sampling methods ("ODA" and "SSVS") draw each variable inclusion indicator given all others, in a Gibbs sampler. The ODA method includes an extra data augmentation step that renders each indicator conditionally independent of the others given the latent data. There is residual dependence between successive MCMC steps introduced by the latent data, but the paper by Ghosh and Clyde suggested that on balance mixing should be improved.

SSVS offers a choice between to implementations. Classic SSVS attempts to flip each coefficient in or out of the model every iteration. The adaptive method attempts to learn which coefficients are likely to be included or excluded. It then biases its 'birth' and 'death' moves towards candidates that are likely to succeed.

Regarding the overall compute time, the DA method decomposes the (potentially very large) model matrix one time, at the start of the algorithm. But it then works with independent scalar updates. The SSVS algorithm does not have the upfront cost, but it works with many small matrix decompositions each MCMC iteration. The DA algorithm is very likely to be faster in terms of time per iteration.

Finally, note that the two algorithms require slightly different priors. The DA algorithm requires a priori independence, while the SSVS algorithm can work with arbitrary conjugate priors.


Returns an object of class lm.spike, which is a list with the following elements


A niter by ncol(x) matrix of regression coefficients, many of which may be zero. Each row corresponds to an MCMC iteration.


A vector of length niter containing the MCMC draws of the residual standard deviation parameter.


The prior used to fit the model. If a prior was supplied as an argument it will be returned. Otherwise this will be the automatically generated prior based on the other function arguments.


Steven L. Scott


George and McCulloch (1997), "Approaches to Bayesian Variable Selection", Statistica Sinica, 7, 339 – 373.

Ghosh and Clyde (2011) "Rao-Blackwellization for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging in linear and binary regression: A novel data augmentation approach", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106 1041-1052.

See Also

SpikeSlabPrior, plot.lm.spike, summary.lm.spike, predict.lm.spike.


n <- 100
  p <- 10
  ngood <- 3
  niter <- 1000
  sigma <- .8

  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  y <- rnorm(n, x %*% beta, sigma)
  x <- x[,-1]
  model <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
  hist(model$sigma)  ## should be near 8
  plot(model, "residuals")

  ## Now replace the first observation with a big outlier.
  y[1] <- 50
  model <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter = niter)
  model2 <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter = niter, error.distribution = "student")
  pred <- predict(model, newdata = x)
  pred2 <- predict(model2, newdata = x)

  ## Maximize the plot window before making these box plots.  They show
  ## the posterior predictive distribution of all 100 data points, so
  ## make sure your screen is 100 boxes wide!
  par(mfrow = c(2,1))
  BoxplotTrue(t(pred), truth = y, ylim = range(pred), pch = ".",
     main = "Posterior predictive distribution assuming Gaussian errors.")
  BoxplotTrue(t(pred2), truth = y, ylim  = range(pred), pch = ",",
     main = "Posterior predictive distribution assuming Student errors.")

  ## The posterior predictive distributions are much tighter in the
  ## student case than in the Gaussian case, even though the student
  ## model has heavier tails, because the "sigma" parameter is smaller.
  par(mfrow = c(1,1))
  CompareDensities(list(gaussian = model$sigma, student = model2$sigma),
                        xlab = "sigma")

Spike and slab logistic regression


MCMC algorithm for logistic regression models with a 'spike-and-slab' prior that places some amount of posterior probability at zero for a subset of the regression coefficients.


            prior = NULL,
            na.action = options("na.action"),
            contrasts = NULL,
            drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
            initial.value = NULL,
            ping = niter / 10,
            nthreads = 0,
            clt.threshold = 2,
            mh.chunk.size = 10,
            proposal.df = 3,
            sampler.weights = c("DA" = .333, "RWM" = .333, "TIM" = .333),
            seed = NULL,



formula for the maximal model (with all variables included), this is parsed the same way as a call to glm, but no family argument is needed. Like glm, a two-column input format (success-count, failure-count). Otherwise, the response variable can be a logical or numeric vector. If numeric, then values >0 indicate a "success".


The number of MCMC iterations to run. Be sure to include enough so you can throw away a burn-in set.


An optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by '' to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in 'data', the variables are taken from 'environment(formula)', typically the environment from which logit.spike' is called.


An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


A n object inheriting from SpikeSlabGlmPrior. If prior is supplied it will be used. Otherwise a prior distribution will constructed by calling LogitZellnerPrior.


A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is set by the na.action setting of options, and is if that is unset. The factory-fresh default is na.omit. Another possible value is NULL, no action. Value na.exclude can be useful.


An optional list. See the contrasts.arg of model.matrix.default.


A logical value indicating whether factor levels that are unobserved should be dropped from the model.


Initial value for the MCMC algorithm. Can either be a numeric vector, a glm object (from which the coefficients will be used), or a logit.spike object. If a logit.spike object is supplied, it is assumed to be from a previous MCMC run for which niter additional draws are desired. If a glm object is supplied then its coefficients will be used as the initial values for the simulation.


If positive, then print a status update to the console every ping MCMC iterations.


The number of CPU-threads to use for data augmentation. There is some small overhead to stopping and starting threads. For small data sets, thread overhead will make it faster to run single threaded. For larger data sets multi-threading can speed things up substantially. This is all machine dependent, so please experiment.


When the model is presented with binomial data (i.e. when the response is a two-column matrix) the data augmentation algorithm can be made more efficient by updating a single, asymptotically normal scalar quantity for each unique value of the predictors. The asymptotic result will be used whenever the number of successes or failures exceeds clt.threshold.


The maximum number of coefficients to draw in a single "chunk" of a Metropolis-Hastings update. See details.


The degrees of freedom parameter to use in Metropolis-Hastings proposals. See details.


The proportion of MCMC iterations spent in each of the three algorithms described in the Details section. This must be a vector of length 3, with names "DA", "RWM" and "TIM", containing non-negative elements that sum to (within numerical error .999 or 1.001 are okay).


Seed to use for the C++ random number generator. It should be NULL or an int. If NULL the seed value will be taken from the global .Random.seed object.


Extra arguments passed to LogitZellnerPrior in the case where prior is NULL.


Model parameters are updated using a composite of three Metropolis-Hastings updates. An auxiliary mixture sampling algorithm (Tuchler 2008) updates the entire parameter vector at once, but can mix slowly.

The second algorithm is a random walk Metropolis update based on a multivariate T proposal with proposal.df degrees of freedom. If proposal.df is nonpositive then a Gaussian proposal is used. The variance of the proposal distribution is based on the Fisher information matrix evaluated at the current draw of the coefficients.

The third algorithm is an independence Metropolis sampler centered on the posterior mode with variance determined by posterior information matrix (Fisher information plus prior information). If proposal.df > 0 then the tails of the proposal are inflated so that a multivariate T proposal is used instead.

For either of the two MH updates, at most mh.chunk.size coefficients will be updated at a time. At each iteration, one of the three algorithms is chosen at random. The auxiliary mixture sampler is the only one that can change the dimension of the coefficient vector. The MH algorithms only update the coefficients that are currently nonzero.


Returns an object of class logit.spike, which inherits from lm.spike. The returned object is a list with the following elements


A niter by ncol(x) matrix of regression coefficients, many of which may be zero. Each row corresponds to an MCMC iteration.


The prior used to fit the model. If a prior was supplied as an argument it will be returned. Otherwise this will be the automatically generated prior based on the other function arguments.


Steven L. Scott


Tuchler (2008), "Bayesian Variable Selection for Logistic Models Using Auxiliary Mixture Sampling", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 17 76 – 94.

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior, plot.logit.spike, PlotLogitSpikeFitSummary PlotLogitSpikeResiduals summary.logit.spike, predict.logit.spike.


if (requireNamespace("MASS")) {
  data(, package = "MASS")
  data(Pima.te, package = "MASS")
  pima <- rbind(, Pima.te)
  model <- logit.spike(type == "Yes" ~ ., data = pima, niter = 500)
  plot(model, "fit")
  plot(model, "residuals")
  plot(model, "size")

Zellner Prior for Logistic Regression


A Zellner-style spike and slab prior for logistic regression models. See 'Details' for a definition.


    successes = NULL,
    trials = NULL,
    prior.success.probability = NULL,
    expected.model.size = 1,
    prior.information.weight = .01,
    diagonal.shrinkage = .5,
    optional.coefficient.estimate = NULL,
    max.flips = -1,
    prior.inclusion.probabilities = NULL)



The design matrix for the regression problem. No missing data is allowed.


The vector of responses, which can be 0/1, TRUE/FALSE, or 1/-1. This is only used to obtain the empirical overall success rate, so it can be left NULL if prior.success.probability is specified.


A vector of the same length as successes, giving the number of trials for each success count (trials cannot be less than successes). If successes is binary (or NULL) then this can be NULL as well, signifying that there was only one trial per experiment.


The overal prior guess at the proportion of successes. This is used in two places. It is an input into the intercept term of the default optional.coefficient.estimate, and it is used as a weight for the prior information matrix. See 'Details'.


A positive number less than ncol(x), representing a guess at the number of significant predictor variables. Used to obtain the 'spike' portion of the spike and slab prior.


A positive scalar. Number of observations worth of weight that should be given to the prior estimate of beta.


The conditionally Gaussian prior for beta (the "slab") starts with a precision matrix equal to the information in a single observation. However, this matrix might not be full rank. The matrix can be made full rank by averaging with its diagonal. diagonal.shrinkage is the weight given to the diaonal in this average. Setting this to zero gives Zellner's g-prior.


If desired, an estimate of the regression coefficients can be supplied. In most cases this will be a difficult parameter to specify. If omitted then a prior mean of zero will be used for all coordinates except the intercept, which will be set to mean(y).


The maximum number of variable inclusion indicators the sampler will attempt to sample each iteration. If negative then all indicators will be sampled.


A vector giving the prior probability of inclusion for each variable. If NULL then a default set of probabilities is obtained by setting each element equal to min(1, expected.model.size / ncol(x)).


A Zellner-style spike and slab prior for logistic regression. Denote the vector of coefficients by β\beta, and the vector of inclusion indicators by γ\gamma. These are linked by the relationship βi0\beta_i \ne 0 if γi=1\gamma_i = 1 and βi=0\beta_i = 0 if γi=0\gamma_i = 0. The prior is

βγN(b,V)\beta | \gamma \sim N(b, V)

γB(π)\gamma \sim B(\pi)

where π\pi is the vector of prior.inclusion.probabilities, and bb is the optional.coefficient.estimate. Conditional on γ\gamma, the prior information matrix is

V1=κ((1α)xTwx/n+αdiag(xTwx/n))V^{-1} = \kappa ((1 - \alpha) x^Twx / n + \alpha diag(x^Twx / n))

The matrix xTwxx^Twx is, for suitable choice of the weight vector ww, the total Fisher information available in the data. Dividing by nn gives the average Fisher information in a single observation, multiplying by κ\kappa then results in κ\kappa units of "average" information. This matrix is averaged with its diagonal to ensure positive definiteness.

In the formula above, κ\kappa is prior.information.weight, α\alpha is diagonal.shrinkage, and ww is a diagonal matrix with all elements set to prior.success.probability * (1 - prior.success.probability). The vector bb and the matrix V1V^{-1} are both implicitly subscripted by γ\gamma, meaning that elements, rows, or columsn corresponding to gamma = 0 should be omitted.


Returns an object of class LogitZellnerPrior, which is a list with data elements encoding the selected prior values. It inherits from LogitPrior, which implies that it contains an element prior.success.probability.

This object is intended for use with logit.spike.


Steven L. Scott


Hugh Chipman, Edward I. George, Robert E. McCulloch, M. Clyde, Dean P. Foster, Robert A. Stine (2001), "The Practical Implementation of Bayesian Model Selection" Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, Vol. 38, pp. 65-134. Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

Spike and slab multinomial logistic regression


MCMC algorithm for multinomial logist models with a 'spike-and-slab' prior that places some amount of posterior probability at zero for a subset of the regression coefficients.


          choice.formula = NULL,
 = ".",
          contrasts = NULL,
          prior = NULL,
          ping = niter / 10,
          proposal.df = 3,
          rwm.scale.factor = 1,
          nthreads = 1,
          mh.chunk.size = 10,
          proposal.weights = c("DA" = .5, "RWM" = .25, "TIM" = .25),
          seed = NULL,



A model formula describing the relationship between the response (which must be a factor) and the characteristics of the subjects associated with the decision process. If there are no subject-level predictors then y ~ 1 will provide a model with a different intercept for each level of the response. If no intercepts are desired, use y ~ 0.


A model formula describing the relationship between the response and the characteristics of the object being chosen. This can be left NULL if no choice-level characteristics are to be used in the model. The variables appearing on the right hand side must be stored in data with the name of response levels appended, and a chararacter ( used as a separator. For example, if "MPG" is one of the variables in the formula, and the response can assume values of "Toyota", "Honda", and "Chevy", then data must contain MPG.Toyota, MPG.Honda, and MPG.Chevy.


The number of MCMC iterations to run. Be sure to include enough so you can discard a burn-in set.


A data frame containing the data referenced in subject.formula and choice.formula arguments. If choice.formula is NULL then this argument is optional, and variables will be pulled from the parent environment if it is omitted. If choice.formula is non-NULL, then data must be supplied. Each row in data represents a single observation containing the relevant data about both the subject making the choice, as well as about the items being chosen among. A variable measuring a choice characteristic must be present for each choice level in the response variable. The stems for the choice-variable names that measure the same concepts must be identical, and choice level must be appended as a suffix, separated by a "." character. Thus, if 'HP' is a variable to be considered, and the response levels are 'Toyota', 'Honda', 'Chevy', then the data must contain variables named 'HP.Toyota', 'HP.Honda', and 'HP.Chevy'.

The character used to separate the predictor names from the choice values for the choice-level predictor variables in 'data'.


An optional list. See the contrasts.arg of model.matrix.default.


An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


An object of class IndependentSpikeSlabPrior. The portions of the prior distribution relating to the residual variance are not used.

A convenience function: MultinomialLogitSpikeSlabPrior is provided to help with the accounting headaches of vectorizing the subject.beta and choice.beta parameters.


The frequency with which status updates are printed to the console. Measured in MCMC iterations. If ping < 0 then no status updates will be printed.


The "degrees of freedom" parameter that the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm should use for the multivariate T proposal distribution. If proposal.df <= 0 then a Gaussian proposal is used instead.


The scale factor to use for random walk Metropolis updates. See details.


The number of CPU-threads to use for data augmentation.


The maximum number of coefficients to draw in a single "chunk" of a Metropolis-Hastings update. See details.


A vector of 3 probabilities (summing to 1) indicating the probability of each type of MH proposal during each iteration. The weights should be given names "DA", "RWM", and "TIM" for clarity.


Seed to use for the C++ random number generator. It should be NULL or an int. If NULL the seed value will be taken from the global .Random.seed object.


Extra arguments to be passed to MultinomialLogitSpikeSlabPrior.


Model Details:

A multinomial logit model has two sets of predictors: one measuring characterisitcs of the subject making the choice, and the other measuring characteristics of the items being chosen. The model can be written

Pr(y[i]=m)exp(beta.subject[,m]x.subject[i,]+beta.choicex.choice[i,,m])Pr(y[i] = m) \propto exp(beta.subject[, m] * x.subject[i, ] + beta.choice * x.choice[i, , m])

The coefficients in this model are beta.subject and beta.choice. beta.choice is a subject.xdim by ('nchoices' - 1) matrix. Each row multiplies the design matrix produced by subject.formula for a particular choice level, where the first choice level is omitted (logically set to zero) for identifiability. beta.choice is a vector multiplying the design matrix produced by choice.formula, and thre are 'nchoices' of such matrices.

The coefficient vector 'beta' is the concatenation c(beta.subject, beta.choice), where beta.subject is vectorized by stacking its columns (in the usual R fashion). This means that the first contiguous region of beta contains the subject-level coefficients for choice level 2.

MCMC Details:

The MCMC algorithm randomly moves between three tyes of updates: data augmentation, random walk Metropolis (RWM), and tailored independence Metropolis (TIM).

  • DA: Each observation in the model is associated with a set of latent variables that renders the complete data posterior distribution conditionally Gaussian. The augmentation scheme is described in Tuchler (2008). The data augmentation algorithm conditions on the latent data, and integrates out the coefficients, to sample the inclusion vector (i.e. the vector of indicators showing which coefficients are nonzero) using Gibbs sampling. Then the coefficients are sampled given complete data conditional on inclusion. This is the only move that attemps a dimension change.

  • RWM: A chunk of the coefficient vector (up to mh.chunk.size) is selected. The proposal distribution is either multivariate normal or multivariate T (depending on 'proposal.df') centered on current values of this chunk. The precision parameter of the normal (or T) is the negative Hessian of the un-normalized log posterior, evaluated at the current value. The precision is divided by rwm.scale.factor. Only coefficients currently included in the model at the time of the proposal will be modified.

  • TIM: A chunk of the coefficient vector (up to mh.chunk.size) is selected. The proposal distribution is constructed by locating the posterior mode (using the current value as a starting point). The proposal is a Gaussian (or multivariate T) centered on the posterior mode, with precision equal to the negative Hessian evaluated at the mode. This is an expensive, but effective step. If the posterior mode finding fails (for numerical reasons) then a RWM proposal will be attempted instead.


Returns an object of class mlm.spike, which inherits from logit.spike and lm.spike. The returned object is a list with the following elements


A niter by ncol(x) matrix of regression coefficients, many of which may be zero. Each row corresponds to an MCMC iteration.


The prior used to fit the model. If a prior was supplied as an argument it will be returned. Otherwise this will be the automatically generated prior based on the other function arguments.


A summary of the amount of time spent in each type of MCMC move, and the acceptance rate for each move type.


Steven L. Scott


Tuchler (2008), "Bayesian Variable Selection for Logistic Models Using Auxiliary Mixture Sampling", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 17 76 – 94.

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior, plot.lm.spike, summary.lm.spike, predict.lm.spike.


rmulti <- function (prob) {
  ## Sample from heterogeneous multinomial distributions.
    if (is.vector(prob)) {
        S <- length(prob)
        return(sample(1:S, size = 1, prob = prob))
    nc <- apply(prob, 1, sum)
    n <- nrow(prob)
    S <- ncol(prob)
    u <- runif(n, 0, nc)
    alive <- rep(TRUE, n)
    z <- numeric(n)
    p <- rep(0, n)
    for (s in 1:S) {
        p <- p + prob[, s]
        indx <- alive & (u < p)
        alive[indx] <- FALSE
        z[indx] <- s
        if (!any(alive))

## Define sizes for the problem
subject.predictor.dimension <- 3
choice.predictor.dimension <- 4
nchoices <- 5
nobs <- 1000

## The response can be "a", "b", "c", ...
choice.levels <- letters[1:nchoices]

## Create "subject level characteristics".
subject.x <- matrix(rnorm(nobs * (subject.predictor.dimension - 1)),
                    nrow = nobs)
subject.beta <- cbind(
    0, matrix(rnorm(subject.predictor.dimension * (nchoices - 1)),
              ncol = nchoices - 1))
colnames(subject.x) <-[1:ncol(subject.x)]

## Create "choice level characteristics".
choice.x <- matrix(rnorm(nchoices * choice.predictor.dimension * nobs),
                   nrow = nobs)
choice.characteristics <- c("foo", "bar", "baz", "qux")
choice.names <- as.character(outer(choice.characteristics, choice.levels, FUN = paste, sep = ":"))
colnames(choice.x) <- choice.names
choice.beta <- rnorm(choice.predictor.dimension)

## Combine an intercept term, subject data, and choice data.
X <- cbind(1, subject.x, choice.x)
p <- ncol(X)
true.beta <- c(subject.beta[, -1], choice.beta)
Beta <- matrix(nrow = nchoices, ncol = p)
for (m in 1:nchoices) {
  Beta[m, ] <- rep(0, p)
  Beta[m, 1:subject.predictor.dimension] <- subject.beta[, m]
  begin <- subject.predictor.dimension + 1 + (m-1) * choice.predictor.dimension
  end <- begin + choice.predictor.dimension - 1
  Beta[m, begin:end] <- choice.beta

eta <- X %*% t(Beta)
prob <- exp(eta)
prob <- prob / rowSums(prob)
response <- as.factor(choice.levels[rmulti(prob)]) <-[, -1])$response <- response

# NOTE: The number of MCMC iterations is artificially small to reduce
# the run time.
model <- mlm.spike(response ~ Alabama + Alaska,
                   response ~ foo + bar + baz + qux,
                   niter = 100,
          = ":",
                   expected.subject.model.size = -1,
                   expected.choice.model.size = -1,
                   data =,
                   proposal.weights = c("DA" = .8, "RWM" = .1, "TIM" = .1))

Create a spike and slab prior for use with mlm.spike.


Creates a spike and slab prior for use with mlm.spike.


    expected.subject.model.size = 1,
    choice.x = NULL,
    expected.choice.model.size = 1,
    max.flips = -1,
    nchoices = length(levels(response)),
    subject.dim = ifelse(is.null(subject.x), 0, ncol(subject.x)),
    choice.dim = ifelse(is.null(choice.x), 0, ncol(choice.x)))



The response variable in the multinomial logistic regression. The response variable is optional if nchoices is supplied. If 'response' is provided then the prior means for the subject level intercpets will be chosen to match the empirical values of the response.


The design matrix for subject-level predictors. This can be NULL or of length 0 if no subject-level predictors are present.


The expected number of non-zero coefficients – per choice level – in the subject specific portion of the model. All coefficients can be forced into the model by setting this to a negative number, or by setting it to be larger than the dimension of the subject-level predictors.


The design matrix for choice-level predictors. Each row of this matrix represents the characteristics of a choice in a choice occasion, so it takes 'nchoices' rows to encode one observation. This can be NULL or of length 0 if no choice-level predictors are present.


The expected number of non-zero coefficients in the choice-specific portion of the model. All choice coefficients can be forced into the model by setting this to a negative number, or by setting it to be larger than the dimension of the choice-level predictors (for a single response level).


The maximum number of variable inclusion indicators the sampler will attempt to sample each iteration. If max.flips <= 0 then all indicators will be sampled.


Tne number of potential response levels.


The number of potential predictors in the subject-specific portion of the model.


The number of potential predictors in the choice-specific portion of the model.


An object of class IndependentSpikeSlabPrior, with elements arranged as expected by mlm.spike.


Steven L. Scott


Tuchler (2008), "Bayesian Variable Selection for Logistic Models Using Auxiliary Mixture Sampling", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 17 76 – 94.



Extract the matrix of predictors.


GetPredictorMatrix(object, newdata, na.action = na.omit, ...)



An object of class glm.spike. The object must be a list with the following elements

  • beta: a matrix of MCMC draws, with rows representing draws, and columns representing coefficients.

  • xlevels: the levels of any contrasts present in the original training data.

  • contrasts: the "contrasts" attribute of the original design matrix used to train the model.

  • terms: the terms of the formula used to fit the original model.


A data frame, matrix, or vector containing the predictors needed to make a prediction. If newdata is a matrix it must have the same number of columns as length(object$beta), unless it is off by one and the model contains an intercept, in which case an intercept term will be added. If length(object$beta) == 1 (or 2, with one element containing an intercept) then newdata can be a numeric vector.


A function specifying what to do with NA's.


Extra arguments passed to model.matrix, in the event that newdata is a data frame.


A matrix of predictor variables suitable for multiplication by object$beta.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior plot.lm.spike predict.lm.spike

Construct Design Matrices


Creates a matrix of predictors appropriate for glm.spike models.


## S3 method for class 'glm.spike'
model.matrix(object, data = NULL, ...)



An object of class glm.spike.


Either a data frame to use when building the model matrix, or NULL. If NULL then the training data from object will be used.


Extra arguments passed to model.matrix.default.


glm.spike objects do not store the predictors used to fit the model. If the training data is modified between when object is fit and when this function is called, the modifications will be reflected in the returned value.


The matrix of predictors used at training time, so long as the original data used to fit the model is available in the frame where this function is called.


Steven L. Scott

See Also


Nested Regression


Fits a Bayesian hierarchical regression model to data nested within groups. The model is

yigN(xiβg,σ2)1/σ2Gamma(df/2,ss/2)βgN(b,V)% y_{ig} \sim N(x_i \beta_g, \sigma^2) \\ % 1 / \sigma^2 \sim Gamma(df/2, ss/2) \\ % \beta_g \sim N(b, V) \\ %

Optional hyperprior distributions can be supplied to the prior parameters.

b N(prior.mean,prior.variance)V InverseWishart(df,variance.guess).% b ~ N(prior.mean, prior.variance) \\ % V ~ InverseWishart(df, variance.guess). \\ %

Either hyperprior can be omitted, in which case the corresponding prior parameter is assumed fixed at the user-supplied value.


                 residual.precision.prior = NULL,
                 coefficient.prior = NULL,
                 coefficient.mean.hyperprior = NULL,
                 coefficient.variance.hyperprior = NULL,
                 suf = NULL,
                 ping = niter / 10,
                 sampling.method = c("ASIS", "DA"),
                 seed = NULL)



A numeric vector. The response variable to be modeled.


A numeric matrix of predictor variables, including an intercept term if one is desired. The number of rows must match length(response).

A factor (or object that can be converted using as.factor) naming the group to which each entry in response belongs.


An object of type SdPrior describing the prior distribution of the residual standard deviation.


An object of class MvnPrior, or NULL. If non-NULL this gives the initial values of the prior distribution of the regression coefficients in the nested regression model. This argument must be non-NULL if either coefficient.mean.hyperprior or coefficient.variance.hyperprior is NULL.


An object of class MvnPrior, specifying the hyperprior distribution for the mean of coefficient.prior. This argument can also be NULL, or FALSE. If NULL then a default prior will be used when learning the mean of the prior distribution. If FALSE then the mean of the prior distribution will not be learned; the mean of the coefficient.prior distribution will be assumed instead.


An object of class InverseWishartPrior, specifying the hyperprior distribution for the variance of coefficient.prior. This argument can also be NULL, or FALSE. If NULL then a default prior will be used when learning the variance of the prior distribution. If FALSE then the variance of the prior distribution will not be learned; the variance of the coefficient.prior distribution will be assumed instead.


A list, where each entry is of type RegressionSuf, giving the sufficient statistics for each group, or NULL. If NULL, then suf will be computed from response, predictors, and If non-NULL then these arguments will not be accessed, in which case they can be left unspecified. In 'big data' problems this can be a significant computational savings.


The desired number of MCMC iterations.


The frequency with which to print status updates.


The MCMC sampling scheme that should be used. If either hyperprior is set to FALSE then the "DA" method will be used.


The integer-valued seed (or NULL) to use for the C++ random number generator.


Note: ASIS (Yu and Meng, 2011) has slightly better MCMC convergence, but is slightly slower than the classic DA (data augmentation) method, which alternates between sampling group-level regression coefficients and prior parameters. Both methods are pretty fast.


A list containing MCMC draws from the posterior distribution of model parameters. Each of the following is a vector, matrix, or array, with first index corresponding to MCMC draws, and later indices to distinct parameters.

  • coefficients: regression coefficients.

  • the residual standard deviation from the regression model.

  • prior.mean: The posterior distribution of the coefficient means across groups.

  • prior.variance: The posterior distribution of the variance matrix describing the distribution of regression coefficients across groups.

  • priors: A list of the prior distributions used to fit the model.


Steven L. Scott


SimulateNestedRegressionData <- function() {
  beta.hyperprior.mean <- c(8, 6, 7, 5)
  xdim <- length(beta.hyperprior.mean)
  beta.hyperprior.variance <-
    rWishart(2 * xdim, diag(rep(1, xdim)), inverse = TRUE)

  number.of.groups <- 27 = 23
  beta <- rmvn(number.of.groups,
               beta.hyperprior.variance) <- 2.4
  X <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(number.of.groups * (xdim - 1) *,
                       ncol = xdim - 1)) <- rep(1:number.of.groups, len = nrow(X))
  y.hat <- numeric(nrow(X))
  for (i in 1:nrow(X)) {
    y.hat[i] = sum(X[i, ] * beta[[i], ])
  y <- rnorm(length(y.hat), y.hat,
  suf <- BoomSpikeSlab:::.RegressionSufList(X, y,

  return(list(beta.hyperprior.mean = beta.hyperprior.mean,
              beta.hyperprior.variance = beta.hyperprior.variance,
              beta = beta,
              X = X,
              y = y,
              suf = suf))

d <- SimulateNestedRegressionData()
model <- NestedRegression(suf = d$suf, niter = 500)

Bayesian Feed Forward Neural Networks


Fit a feed forward neural network using MCMC.


          prior = NULL,
          expected.model.size = Inf,
          drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
          contrasts = NULL,
          ping = niter / 10,
          seed = NULL) 

HiddenLayer(number.of.nodes, prior = NULL, expected.model.size = Inf)



A formula describing the model to be fit. The formula should be additive. The network will figure out any interactions or nonlinearities.


A list of objects created by HiddenLayer defining the network structure. The input layer is determined by the formula argument. The terminal layer is a linear regression on the outputs of the final hidden layer.


The number of MCMC iterations to run. Be sure to include enough so you can throw away a burn-in set.


An optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by '' to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in 'data', the variables are taken from 'environment(formula)', typically the environment from which BayesNnet is called.


an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


When passed to BayesNnet this is the prior distribution for the terminal layer, which must be an object of class SpikeSlabPrior, SpikeSlabPriorDirect, or NULL. If NULL then a default prior will be used.

When passed to HiddenLayer this is the prior distribution for the coefficients to that layer. The prior is specified for a single output node, and the same prior is used for all nodes. You can think of each hidden layer output node as a logistic regression model where the predictors are the outputs of the previous layer. This must be an object of class MvnPrior, SpikeSlabGlmPrior, or SpikeSlabGlmPriorDirect.


When prior is not specified a default spike-and-slab prior will be used. The expected.model.size argument to BayesNnet is passed to SpikeSlabPriorDirect. In HiddenLayer the argument is passed to SpikeSlabGlmPriorDirect.

The parameter is used to set the prior inclusion probabilities for the coefficients. If p coefficients are available then the prior inclusion probabilities are each set to expected.model.size / p. If this ratio exceeds 1 then model selection is turned off and all coefficients are included.


Logical indicating whether unobserved factor levels should be dropped when forming the model matrix.


An optional list. See the contrasts.arg argument of model.matrix.default.


The frequency with which to print status update messages to the screen. For example, if ping == 10 then an update will be printed every 10 MCMC iterations.


An integer to use as the random seed for the underlying C++ code. If NULL then the seed will be set using the clock.


The number of nodes in this hidden layer. This must be a positive scalar integer.


The model is a feedforward neural network regression. The model is fit using an MCMC algorithm based on data augmentation. Each hidden node is randomly assigned a 0/1 value from its full conditional distribution. Then conditional on the imputed data an MCMC draw is done on each latent logistic regression and on the regression model defining the terminal node.


The returned object is a list with class BayesNnet. It contains the following objects

  • The standard deviation of the residuals from the model.

  • hidden.layer.coefficients A list, with one element per hidden layer, giving the posterior draws of the hidden layer coefficients for that layer. Each list element is a 3-way array with dimensions corresponding to

    1. MCMC iteration

    2. Input node. For the first hidden layer each 'input node' is a predictor variable.

    3. Output node.

    You can think of hidden.layer.coefficients[[i]][, , j] as the posterior distribution of the logistic regression model defining node 'j' in hidden layer 'i'.

  • terminal.layer.coefficients A matrix containing the MCMC draws of the model coefficients for the terminal layer.

  • Other list elements needed to implement various methods (predict, plot, etc.).


Steven L. Scott



See Also

plot.BayesNnet, predict.BayesNnet.


if (require(mlbench)) {
  hidden.layers <- list(
    HiddenLayer(10, expected.model.size = Inf))

  ## In real life you'd want more 50 MCMC draws.
  model <- BayesNnet(medv ~ .,
    hidden.layers = hidden.layers,
    niter = 50,
    data = BostonHousing)

  par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
  plot(model)  # plots predicted vs actual.
  plot(model, "residual") # plots 
  par(mfrow = c(1,1))
  plot(model, "structure")
  ## Examine all partial dependence plots.
  plot(model, "partial", pch = ".")

  ## Examine a single partial dependence plot.
  par(mfrow = c(1,1))
  plot(model, "lstat", pch = ".")

  ## Check out the mixing performance.

  ## Get the posterior distribution of the function values for the
  ## training data.
  pred <- predict(model)

  ## Get predictions for data at new points (though in this example I'm
  ## reusing old points.
  pred2 <- predict(model, newdata = BostonHousing[1:12, ])

} else {
  cat("The Boston housing data from 'mlbench' is needed for this example.")

Plot a Bayesian Neural Network


Plot the relationship between Y and a single X variable, averaging over the values of the other X's.


                        burn = SuggestBurn(model),
                        data.fraction = .2,
                        gridsize = 50,
                        mean.only = FALSE,
                        show.points = TRUE,
                        xlab = NULL,
                        ylab = NULL,
                        ylim = NULL,
                        report.time = FALSE,



An object of class BayesNnet.


Either an integer denoting the position of the X variable in the data frame used to fit the model, or a character string naming that variable.


The number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.


The fraction of observations in the predictor matrix to use when constructing the partial dependence plot. A random sub-sample of this fraction will be taken (without replacement) for the purposes of marginalizing over the remaining predictors.


The number of grid points to use on the X axis.


Logical. If TRUE then only the mean is plotted at each point. If FALSE then the posterior of the function value is plotted.


If TRUE then the scatterplot of x vs y is added to the graph. Otherwise the points are left off. Note that the estimated function might not match the pattern in the scatterplot, because the points in the scatterplot are not adjusted for the values of the other X variables.


Label for the X axis. NULL produces a default label. Use "" for no label.


Label for the Y axis. NULL produces a default label. Use "" for no label.


Limits on the vertical axis. If NULL then the plot will default to its natural vertical limits.


Print the time required to produce the plot.


Extra arguments are passed either to 'plot' (if mean.only is TRUE)' or 'PlotDynamicDistribution' (otherwise).


A partial dependence plot shows the relationship between Y and a single X variable, averaging over the values of the other X's in a possibly nonlinear regression model. Partial dependence plots are a generalization of the "added variable plot" idea from linear regression models.

A partial dependence plot is more expensive to produce than most other plots, because a set of predictions must be generated at each point on the X axis. This is done by taking a random subset of the training data, and evaluating the posterior predictive distribution with each observation's target X value set to each value of X on the grid.


Steven L. Scott

See Also



# Please see the code in ?BayesNnet

Plot a Bayesian Neural Network


The default plot is a barplot of the marginal inclusion probabilities for each variable, as obtained by PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities. Other interesting plots can be obtained by supplying a string as the second argument.


## S3 method for class 'BayesNnet'
     y = c("predicted", "residual", "structure", "partial", "help"),

  PlotBayesNnetPredictions(model, burn = SuggestBurn(model), ...)

  PlotBayesNnetResiduals(model, burn = SuggestBurn(model), ...)

  PlotNetworkStructure(model, ...)



An object of class BayesNnet.


An object of class BayesNnet. The name x is required to conform with the plot generic function signature.


The type of plot desired, or the name of the variable to plot against. The name y is required to conform with the plot generic function signature.

If y matches (or partially matches) one of the names in the function signature, then the corresponding plot function handles the plot request.

  • "predicted" (the default) plot actual vs predicted values using PlotBayesNnetPredictions.

  • "residual" plot residuals vs predicted values using PlotBayesNnetResiduals.

  • "structure" plot network structure using PlotNetworkStructure.

  • "partial" Draw the partial dependence plot for each predictor variable in the training data. This is an expensive plot. It might take a while to draw for large data sets or complex models.

  • "help" show this help page in a browser

If y fails to match any of the above, but it (partially) the name of one of the variables in the training data, then a partial dependence plot vs that variable is produced.


The number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.


Additional arguments passed to the specific functions that do the plotting. For residual and predicted plots that is the plot function. For network structure it is plot.igraph. For partial dependence plots it is PartialDependencePlot.


Residual and predicted plots should be self explanatory. The network structure plot is fairly standard for neural network models. The width of a line linking two nodes is determined by the absolute value of the corresponding coefficient.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

BayesNnet PartialDependencePlot


## See the examples in ?BayesNnet

Plot Coefficients.


Produces boxplots showing the marginal distribution of the coefficients.


     burn = 0,
     inclusion.threshold = 0,
     scale.factors = NULL,
     number.of.variables = NULL,



A matrix of model coefficients. Each row represents an MCMC draw. Each column represents a coefficient for a variable.


The number of MCMC iterations in the ojbect to be discarded as burn-in.


Only plot coefficients with posterior inclusion probabilities exceeding this value.


If non-null then a vector of scale factors with which to scale the columns of beta. A NULL value is ignored.


If non-NULL this specifies the maximum number of coefficients to plot. A NULL value is ignored.


Additional arguments to be passed to boxplot.


Returns the value from the final call to boxplot.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior summary.lm.spike predict.lm.spike


simulate.lm.spike <- function(n = 100, p = 10, ngood = 3, niter=1000, sigma = 1){
  x <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  y <- rnorm(n, beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1], sigma)
  draws <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
model <- simulate.lm.spike(n = 1000, p = 50, sigma = .3)
plot(model, "coef", inclusion.threshold = .01)

Plot the results of a spike and slab regression.


The default plot is a barplot of the marginal inclusion probabilities for each variable, as obtained by PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities. Other interesting plots can be obtained by supplying a string as the second argument.


## S3 method for class 'lm.spike'
     y = c("inclusion", "coefficients", "scaled.coefficients",
              "residuals", "fit", "size", "help"),
     burn = SuggestBurnLogLikelihood(x$log.likelihood),



An object of class lm.spike.


The type of plot desired.


The number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.


Additional arguments passed to the specific functions that do the plotting.


The actual plotting will be handled by PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities, PlotLmSpikeCoefficients, PlotLmSpikeResiduals, or PlotModelSize. See the appropriate function for more options.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities PlotLmSpikeCoefficients PlotLmSpikeResiduals PlotModelSize lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior summary.lm.spike predict.lm.spike


simulate.lm.spike <- function(n = 100, p = 10, ngood = 3, niter=1000, sigma = 8){
  x <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  y <- rnorm(n, beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1], sigma)
  draws <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
model <- simulate.lm.spike(n = 1000, p = 50, sigma = .3)
plot(model, inclusion.threshold = .01)

plot(model, "size")

Predicted vs actual plot for lm.spike.


Plot actual values vs. predictions in an lm.spike model.


    burn = SuggestBurnLogLikelihood(object$log.likelihood),



A model object inheriting from lm.spike.


The number of MCMC iterations to be discarded as burn-in before computing posterior means.


Additional arguments passed to plot.


This plot is normally called via the plot function for lm.spike objects. See the help entry for lm.spike for example usage.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike plot.lm.spike

Residual plot for lm.spike


Plot residuals vs. fitted values in an lm.spike model.


    burn = SuggestBurnLogLikelihood(object$log.likelihood),



A model object inheriting from lm.spike.


The number of MCMC iterations to be discarded as burn-in before computing posterior means.


Additional arguments passed to plot.


This plot is normally called via the plot function for lm.spike objects. See the help entry for lm.spike for example usage.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike plot.lm.spike

Plot a logit.spike object


Plot a logit.spike object. The default plot is a barplot of the marginal inclusion probabilities for each variable, as obtained by PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities. See below for other types of plots.


## S3 method for class 'logit.spike'
     y = c("inclusion", "coefficients", "scaled.coefficients", "fit",
           "residuals", "size", "help"),
     burn = SuggestBurnLogLikelihood(x$log.likelihood),

  ## S3 method for class 'probit.spike'
     y = c("inclusion", "coefficients", "scaled.coefficients", "fit",
           "residuals", "size", "help"),
     burn = SuggestBurnLogLikelihood(x$log.likelihood),



An object of class logit.spike.


The type of plot desired.


The number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.


Additional arguments passed to the specific functions that do the plotting.


The default plot is a barplot showing the marginal inclusion probabilities of the coefficients, constructed using PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities.

The plot of the fit summary is handled by PlotLogitSpikeFitSummary.

The plot of the residuals is handled by PlotLogitSpikeResiduals.

The plot of model size is handled by PlotModelSize.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities PlotModelSize PlotLogitSpikeFitSummary PlotLogitSpikeResiduals


## See the examples in ?logit.spike

Plot Logit or Probit Fit Summary


Two plots can be accessed by this function. The first is a time series plot of the "deviance R-square" statistic, by MCMC iteration. The second is a Hosmer-Lemeshow plot in which the data is divided into 10 groups based on predicted probabilities, and the empirical success probabilities for that group are plotted against the expected probabilities from the model.


    burn = 0,
    which.summary = c("both", "r2", "bucket"),
    scale = c("logit", "probability"),
    cutpoint.basis = c("sample.size", "equal.range"),
    number.of.buckets = 10,

    burn = 0,
    which.summary = c("both", "r2", "bucket"),
    scale = c("probit", "probability"),
    cutpoint.basis = c("sample.size", "equal.range"),
    number.of.buckets = 10,



A model object inheriting from logit.spike or probit.spike.


The number of MCMC iterations in the object to be discarded as burn-in. Note that this only affects the deviance R-square plot. The fit summaries in the Hosmer-Lemeshow plot are constructed by logit.spike or probit.spike in order to keep permanent object sizes small.


Which plot is desired?


The scale to use for the predicted probabilities in the Hosmer-Lemeshow plot.


How should cutpoints be determined for the Hosmer-Lemeshow plot? If "sample.size" then each bucket will have equal sample size. If "equal.range" then each bucket will occupy the same size on the chosen (logit/probit or probability) scale.


The number of buckets to use in the Hosmer-Lemeshow plot.


Additional arguments to be passed to barplot.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior summary.lm.spike predict.lm.spike


simulate.logit.spike <- function(n = 100, p = 10, ngood = 3,
  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  prob <- plogis(x %*% beta)
  y <- runif(n) < prob
  x <- x[,-1]
  draws <- logit.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
model <- simulate.logit.spike()
plot(model, "fit")
plot(model, "fit", scale = "probability", number.of.buckets = 15)

Residual plot for logit.spike objects.


Plots the "deviance residuals" from a logit.spike model.


PlotLogitSpikeResiduals(model, ...)
  PlotProbitSpikeResiduals(model, ...)



A model object inheriting from logit.spike or probit.spike.


Additional arguments to be passed to plot.


The "deviance residuals" are defined as the signed square root each observation's contribution to log likelihood. The sign of the residual is positive if half or more of the trials associated with an observation are successes. The sign is negative otherwise.

The "contribution to log likelihood" is taken to be the posterior mean of an observations log likelihood contribution, averaged over the life of the MCMC chain.

The deviance residual is plotted against the fitted value, again averaged over the life of the MCMC chain.

The plot also shows the .95 and .99 bounds from the square root of a chi-square(1) random variable. As a rough approximation, about 5% and 1% of the data should lie outside these bounds.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

logit.spike plot.logit.spike


simulate.logit.spike <- function(n = 100, p = 10, ngood = 3,
  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  prob <- plogis(x %*% beta)
  y <- runif(n) < prob
  x <- x[,-1]
  draws <- logit.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
model <- simulate.logit.spike()
plot(model, "fit")
plot(model, "fit", scale = "probability", number.of.buckets = 15)

Plot marginal inclusion probabilities.


Produces a barplot of the marginal inclusion probabilities for a set of model coefficients sampled under a spike and slab prior. The coefficients are sorted by the marginal inclusion probability, and shaded by the conditional probability that a coefficient is positive, given that it is nonzero.


     burn = 0,
     inclusion.threshold = 0,
     unit.scale = TRUE,
     number.of.variables = NULL,



A matrix of model coefficients. Each row represents an MCMC draw. Each column represents a coefficient for a variable.


The number of MCMC iterations in the ojbect to be discarded as burn-in.


Only plot coefficients with posterior inclusion probabilities exceeding this value.


A logical value indicating whether the scale of the plot should be from 0 to 1. Otherwise the scale is determined by the maximum inclusion probability.


If non-NULL this specifies the number of coefficients to plot, taking precedence over inclusion.threshold.


Additional arguments to be passed to barplot.


Invisibly returns a list with the following elements.


The midpoints of each bar, which is useful for adding to the plot.


The marginal inclusion probabilities of each variable, ordered smallest to largest (the same order as the plot).


The probability that each variable has a positive coefficient, in the same order as inclusion.prob.


The permutation of beta that puts the coefficients in the same order as positive.prob and inclusion.prob. That is: beta[, permutation] will have the most significant coefficients in the right hand columns.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior summary.lm.spike predict.lm.spike


simulate.lm.spike <- function(n = 100, p = 10, ngood = 3, niter=1000, sigma = 8){
  x <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  y <- rnorm(n, beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1], sigma)
  draws <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
model <- simulate.lm.spike(n = 1000, p = 50, sigma = .3)
plot(model, inclusion.threshold = .01)

Plot a poisson.spike object


Plot a poisson.spike object. The default plot is a barplot of the marginal inclusion probabilities for each variable, as obtained by PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities. See below for other types of plots.


## S3 method for class 'poisson.spike'
     y = c("inclusion", "coefficients", "scaled.coefficients", "size", "help"),
     burn = SuggestBurnLogLikelihood(x$log.likelihood),



An object of class poisson.spike.


The type of plot desired.


The number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.


Additional arguments passed to the specific functions that do the plotting.


The default plot is a barplot showing the marginal inclusion probabilities of the coefficients, constructed using PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities.

The plot of model size is handled by PlotModelSize.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities PlotModelSize


## See the examples in ?poisson.spike

Plot the results of a spike and slab regression.


The default plot is a barplot of the marginal inclusion probabilities for each variable, as obtained by PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities. Other interesting plots can be obtained by supplying a string as the second argument.


## S3 method for class 'qreg.spike'
     y = c("inclusion", "coefficients", "scaled.coefficients",
              "size", "help"),
     burn = SuggestBurnLogLikelihood(x$log.likelihood),



An object of class qreg.spike.


The type of plot desired.


The number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.


Additional arguments passed to the specific functions that do the plotting.


The actual plotting will be handled by PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities, PlotLmSpikeCoefficients, or PlotModelSize. See the appropriate function for more options.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

PlotMarginalInclusionProbabilities PlotLmSpikeCoefficients PlotModelSize qreg.spike SpikeSlabPrior predict.qreg.spike


n <- 50
  x <- rnorm(n)
  y <- rnorm(n, 4 * x)
  model <- qreg.spike(y ~ x,
                      quantile = .8,
                      niter = 1000,
                      expected.model.size = 100)
  plot(model, "coef")
  plot(model, "coefficients")
  plot(model, "scaled.coefficients")
  plot(model, "scal")
  plot(model, "size")
  plot(model, "help")

Plot a distribution of model size


Produces a histogram of number of nonzero coefficients in a spike-and-slab regression.


PlotModelSize(beta, burn = 0, xlab= "Number of nonzero coefficients", ...)



A matrix of model coefficients. Each row represents an MCMC draw. Each column represents a coefficient for a variable.


The number of MCMC iterations to be discarded as burn-in.


Label for the horizontal axis.


Additional arguments to be passed to hist


Invisibly returns the vector of MCMC draws of model sizes.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike plot.lm.spike


simulate.lm.spike <- function(n = 100, p = 10, ngood = 3, niter=1000, sigma = 8){
  x <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  y <- rnorm(n, beta[1] + x %*% beta[-1], sigma)
  draws <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
model <- simulate.lm.spike(n = 1000, p = 50, sigma = .3)

# To get the plot of model size directly.
PlotModelSize(model$beta, burn = 10)

# Another way to get the same plot.
plot(model, "size", burn = 10)

Spike and slab Poisson regression


MCMC algorithm for Poisson regression models with a 'spike-and-slab' prior that places some amount of posterior probability at zero for a subset of the coefficients.


              exposure = 1,
              prior = NULL,
              na.action = options("na.action"),
              contrasts = NULL,
              drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
              initial.value = NULL,
              ping = niter / 10,
              nthreads = 4,
              seed = NULL,



A model formula, as would be passed to glm, specifying the maximal model (i.e. the model with all predictors included).


A vector of exposure durations matching the length of the response vector. If exposure is of length 1 it will be recycled.


The number of MCMC iterations to run.


An optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which poisson.spike is called.


An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


A list such as that returned by SpikeSlabPrior. If prior is supplied it will be used. Otherwise a prior distribution will be built using the remaining arguments. See SpikeSlabPrior.


A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is set by the na.action setting of options, and is if that is unset. The factory-fresh default is na.omit. Another possible value is NULL, no action. Value na.exclude can be useful.


An optional list. See the contrasts.arg of model.matrix.default.


A logical value indicating whether factor levels that are unobserved should be dropped from the model.


Initial value for the MCMC algorithm. Can either be a numeric vector, a glm object (from which the coefficients will be used), or a poisson.spike object. If a poisson.spike object is supplied, it is assumed to be from a previous MCMC run for which niter additional draws are desired. If a glm object is supplied then its coefficients will be used as the initial values for the simulation.


If positive, then print a status update to the console every ping MCMC iterations.


The number of CPU-threads to use for data augmentation.


Seed to use for the C++ random number generator. It should be NULL or an int. If NULL the seed value will be taken from the global .Random.seed object.


Extra arguments to be passed to SpikeSlabPrior.


The MCMC algorithm used here is based on the auxiliary mixture sampling algorithm published by Fruhwirth-Schnatter, Fruhwirth, Held, and Rue (2009).


Returns an object of class poisson.spike. The returned object is a list with the following elements.


A niter by ncol(x) matrix of regression coefficients, many of which may be zero. Each row corresponds to an MCMC iteration.


The prior used to fit the model. If a prior was supplied as an argument it will be returned. Otherwise this will be the automatically generated prior based on the other function arguments.


Steven L. Scott


Sylvia Fruhwirth-Schnatter, Rudolf Fruhwirth, Leonhard Held, and Havard Rue. Statistics and Computing, Volume 19 Issue 4, Pages 479-492. December 2009

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior, plot.lm.spike, summary.lm.spike, predict.lm.spike.


simulate.poisson.spike <- function(n = 100, p = 10, ngood = 3, niter=1000){
  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  lambda <- exp(x %*% beta)
  y <- rpois(n, lambda)
  x <- x[,-1]
  model <- poisson.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
model <- simulate.poisson.spike()

Zellner Prior for Poisson Regression


A Zellner-style spike and slab prior for Poisson regression models. See 'Details' for a definition.


    counts = NULL,
    exposure = NULL,
    prior.event.rate = NULL,
    expected.model.size = 1,
    prior.information.weight = .01,
    diagonal.shrinkage = .5,
    optional.coefficient.estimate = NULL,
    max.flips = -1,
    prior.inclusion.probabilities = NULL)



The design matrix for the regression problem. No missing data is allowed.


The vector of responses, This is only used to obtain the empirical overall event rate, so it can be left NULL if prior.event.rate is specified.


A vector of the same length as counts, giving the "exposure time" for each observation. This can also be NULL, signifying that exposure = 1.0 for each observation.


An a priori guess at the overall event rate. Used in two places: to set the prior mean of the intercept (if optional.coefficient.estimate is NULL) and to weight the information matrix in the "slab" portion of the prior.


A positive number less than ncol(x), representing a guess at the number of significant predictor variables. Used to obtain the 'spike' portion of the spike and slab prior.


A positive scalar. Number of observations worth of weight that should be given to the prior estimate of beta.


The conditionally Gaussian prior for beta (the "slab") starts with a precision matrix equal to the information in a single observation. However, this matrix might not be full rank. The matrix can be made full rank by averaging with its diagonal. diagonal.shrinkage is the weight given to the diaonal in this average. Setting this to zero gives Zellner's g-prior.


If desired, an estimate of the regression coefficients can be supplied. In most cases this will be a difficult parameter to specify. If omitted then a prior mean of zero will be used for all coordinates except the intercept, which will be set to mean(y).


The maximum number of variable inclusion indicators the sampler will attempt to sample each iteration. If negative then all indicators will be sampled.


A vector giving the prior probability of inclusion for each variable. If NULL then a default set of probabilities is obtained by setting each element equal to min(1, expected.model.size / ncol(x)).


A Zellner-style spike and slab prior for Poisson regression. Denote the vector of coefficients by β\beta, and the vector of inclusion indicators by γ\gamma. These are linked by the relationship βi0\beta_i \ne 0 if γi=1\gamma_i = 1 and βi=0\beta_i = 0 if γi=0\gamma_i = 0. The prior is

βγN(b,V)\beta | \gamma \sim N(b, V)

γB(π)\gamma \sim B(\pi)

where π\pi is the vector of prior.inclusion.probabilities, and bb is the optional.coefficient.estimate. Conditional on γ\gamma, the prior information matrix is

V1=κ((1α)xTwx/n+αdiag(xTwx/n))V^{-1} = \kappa ((1 - \alpha) x^Twx / n + \alpha diag(x^Twx / n))

The matrix xTwxx^Twx is, for suitable choice of the weight vector ww, the total Fisher information available in the data. Dividing by nn gives the average Fisher information in a single observation, multiplying by κ\kappa then results in κ\kappa units of "average" information. This matrix is averaged with its diagonal to ensure positive definiteness.

In the formula above, κ\kappa is prior.information.weight, α\alpha is diagonal.shrinkage, and ww is a diagonal matrix with all elements set to prior.success.probability * (1 - prior.success.probability). The vector bb and the matrix V1V^{-1} are both implicitly subscripted by γ\gamma, meaning that elements, rows, or columsn corresponding to gamma = 0 should be omitted.


Returns an object of class PoissonZellnerPrior, which is a list with data elements encoding the selected prior values. It inherits from PoissonPrior and from SpikeSlabGlmPrior, which implies that it contains an element prior.success.probability.

This object is intended for use with poisson.spike.


Steven L. Scott


Hugh Chipman, Edward I. George, Robert E. McCulloch, M. Clyde, Dean P. Foster, Robert A. Stine (2001), "The Practical Implementation of Bayesian Model Selection" Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, Vol. 38, pp. 65-134. Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

Predictions using spike-and-slab regression.


Generate draws from the posterior predictive distribution of a spike and slab regression.


## S3 method for class 'lm.spike'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, burn = 0,
    na.action = na.pass, mean.only = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'logit.spike'
predict(object, newdata, burn = 0,
    type = c("prob", "logit", "link", "response"),
    na.action = na.pass, ...)

## S3 method for class 'poisson.spike'
predict(object, newdata = NULL,
    exposure = NULL, burn = 0,
    type = c("mean", "log", "link", "response"),
    na.action = na.pass, ...)

## S3 method for class 'probit.spike'
predict(object, newdata, burn = 0,
    type = c("prob", "probit", "link", "response"),
    na.action = na.pass, ...)

## S3 method for class 'qreg.spike'
predict(object, newdata, burn = 0,
    na.action = na.pass, ...)

## S3 method for class 'BayesNnet'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, burn = 0,
    na.action = na.pass, mean.only = FALSE, seed = NULL, ...)



A model object of class lm.spike, logit.spike, etc.


Either NULL, or else a data frame, matrix, or vector containing the predictors needed to make the prediction.

If newdata is NULL then the predictors are taken from the training data used to create the model object. Note that object does not store its training data, so the data objects used to fit the model must be present for the training data to be recreated.

If newdata is a data.frame it must contain variables with the same names as the data frame used to fit object. If it is a matrix, it must have the same number of columns as object$beta. An intercept term will be implicitly added if the number of columns is too small by one. If the dimension of object$beta is 1 or 2, then newdata can be a vector.


A vector of positive real numbers the same size as newdata, or NULL. If both newdata and exposure are NULL then exposure is taken to be the exposure from the training data. If newdata is supplied and exposure is NULL then exposure is taken to be 1 for all observations.


The number of MCMC iterations in the object to be discarded as burn-in.


a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NA's. The default is set by the na.action setting of options, and is if that is unset. The "factory-fresh" default is na.omit. Another possible value is NULL, no action. Value na.exclude can be useful.


The type of prediction desired.

For logit.spike, prob means the prediction is returned on the probability scale, while logit returns the scale of the linear predictor. Probits work similarly to logits.

For poisson.spike, mean means the prediction is returned on the scale of the data, while log means it is on the scale of the linear predictor.

Both cases also accept link and response for compatibility with predict.glm.


Logical. If TRUE then return the posterior mean of the predictive distribution. If FALSE then return the entire distribution.


Random seed for the C++ random number generator. This is only needed for models that require C++ to implement their predict method.


Unused, but present for compatibility with generic predict.


Returns a matrix of predictions, with each row corresponding to a row in newdata, and each column to an MCMC iteration.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior summary.lm.spike plot.lm.spike


niter <- 1000
  n <- 100
  p <- 10
  ngood <- 3

  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- rep(0, p)
  good <- sample(1:p, ngood)
  beta[good] <- rnorm(ngood)
  sigma <- 1

  y <- rnorm(n, x %*% beta, sigma)
  model <- lm.spike(y ~ x - 1, niter=niter)
  hist(model$sigma)  ## should be near true value

  new.x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(100 * (p-1)), ncol = (p-1)))
  pred <- predict(model, newdata = new.x, burn = 100)

Print method for spikeslab objects.


Print a spikeslab object.


## S3 method for class 'summary.lm.spike'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'summary.logit.spike'
print(x, ...)



An object of class summary.lm.spike.


Additional arguments passed to print.default.


This function is called for its side effect, which is to print the spikeslab object to the screen.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike summary.lm.spike


n <- 100
  p <- 10
  ngood <- 3
  niter <- 1000
  sigma <- 2

  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  y <- rnorm(n, x %*% beta, sigma)
  x <- x[,-1]
  model <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)

Spike and slab probit regression


MCMC algorithm for logistic regression models with a 'spike-and-slab' prior that places some amount of posterior probability at zero for a subset of the regression coefficients.


             prior = NULL,
             na.action = options("na.action"),
             contrasts = NULL,
             drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
             initial.value = NULL,
             ping = niter / 10,
             clt.threshold = 5,
             proposal.df = 3,
             sampler.weights = c(.5, .5),
             seed = NULL,



Formula for the maximal model (with all variables included). This is parsed the same way as a call to glm, but no family argument is needed. Like glm, a two-column input format (success-count, failure-count) can be used for the reponse. Otherwise, the response variable can be a logical or numeric vector. If a single-column response is numeric, then a positive value indicates a "success".


The number of MCMC iterations to run. Be sure to include enough so you can throw away a burn-in set.


An optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by '' to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in 'data', the variables are taken from 'environment(formula)', typically the environment from which probit.spike' is called.


An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


An object inheriting from LogitPrior and SpikeSlabPriorBase. If prior is supplied it will be used. Otherwise a prior distribution will constructed by calling LogitZellnerPrior with the remaining arguments. Despite the name, LogitPrior objects are appropriate for Probit models.


A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is set by the na.action setting of options, and is if that is unset. The factory-fresh default is na.omit. Another possible value is NULL, no action. Value na.exclude can be useful.


An optional list. See the contrasts.arg of model.matrix.default.


A logical value indicating whether factor levels that are unobserved should be dropped from the model.


Initial value for the MCMC algorithm. Can either be a numeric vector, a glm object (from which the coefficients will be used), or a probit.spike object. If a probit.spike object is supplied, it is assumed to be from a previous MCMC run for which niter additional draws are desired. If a glm object is supplied then its coefficients will be used as the initial values for the simulation.


If positive, then print a status update to the console every ping MCMC iterations.


When the model is presented with binomial data (i.e. when the response is a two-column matrix) the data augmentation algorithm can be made more efficient by updating a single, asymptotically normal scalar quantity for each unique value of the predictors. The asymptotic result will be used whenever the number of successes or failures exceeds clt.threshold.


The degrees of freedom parameter to use in Metropolis-Hastings proposals. See details.


A two-element vector giving the probabilities of drawing from the two base sampling algorithm. The first element refers to the spike and slab algorithm. The second refers to the tailored independence Metropolis sampler. TIM is usually faster mixing, but cannot change model dimension.


Seed to use for the C++ random number generator. It should be NULL or an int. If NULL the seed value will be taken from the global .Random.seed object.


Extra arguments to be passed to LogitZellnerPrior.


Model parameters are updated using a composite of two Metropolis-Hastings updates. A data augmentation algorithm (Albert and Chib 1993) updates the entire parameter vector at once, but can mix slowly.

The second algorithm is an independence Metropolis sampler centered on the posterior mode with variance determined by posterior information matrix (Fisher information plus prior information). If proposal.df > 0 then the tails of the proposal are inflated so that a multivariate T proposal is used instead.

At each iteration, one of the three algorithms is chosen at random. The auxiliary mixture sampler is the only one that can change the dimension of the coefficient vector. The MH algorithm only updates the coefficients that are currently nonzero.


Returns an object of class probit.spike, which inherits from lm.spike. The returned object is a list with the following elements


A niter by ncol(x) matrix of regression coefficients, many of which may be zero. Each row corresponds to an MCMC iteration.


The prior used to fit the model. If a prior was supplied as an argument it will be returned. Otherwise this will be the automatically generated prior based on the other function arguments.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior, plot.probit.spike, PlotProbitSpikeFitSummary PlotProbitSpikeResiduals summary.logit.spike, predict.logit.spike.


if (requireNamespace("MASS")) {
  data(, package = "MASS")
  data(Pima.te, package = "MASS")
  pima <- rbind(, Pima.te)
  model <- probit.spike(type == "Yes" ~ ., data = pima, niter = 500)
  plot(model, "fit")
  plot(model, "residuals")
  plot(model, "size")

Quantile Regression


MCMC algorithm for quasi-Bayesian quantile models with a 'spike-and-slab' prior that places some amount of posterior probability at zero for a subset of the regression coefficients.


               ping = niter / 10,
               nthreads = 0,
               prior = NULL,
               na.action = options("na.action"),
               contrasts = NULL,
               drop.unused.levels = TRUE,
               initial.value = NULL,
               seed = NULL,



Formula for the maximal model (with all variables included).


A scalar value between 0 and 1 indicating the quantile of the conditional distribution being modeled.


The number of MCMC iterations to run. Be sure to include enough so you can throw away a burn-in set.


If positive, then print a status update to the console every ping MCMC iterations.


The number of CPU-threads to use for data augmentation. There is some small overhead to stopping and starting threads. For small data sets, thread overhead will make it faster to run single threaded. For larger data sets multi-threading can speed things up substantially. This is all machine dependent, so please experiment.


An optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which qreg.spike is called.


An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


An optional list such as that returned from SpikeSlabPrior. If missing, SpikeSlabPrior will be called using the extra arguments passed via ....


A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is set by the na.action setting of options, and is if that is unset. The factory-fresh default is na.omit. Another possible value is NULL, no action. Value na.exclude can be useful.


An optional list. See the contrasts.arg of model.matrix.default.


A logical value indicating whether factor levels that are unobserved should be dropped from the model.


Initial value for the MCMC algorithm. Can either be a numeric vector, a glm object (from which the coefficients will be used), or a qreg.spike object. If a qreg.spike object is supplied, it is assumed to be from a previous MCMC run for which niter additional draws are desired. If a glm object is supplied then its coefficients will be used as the initial values for the simulation.


Seed to use for the C++ random number generator. It should be NULL or an int. If NULL the seed value will be taken from the global .Random.seed object.


Extra arguments to be passed to SpikeSlabPrior.


Just like ordinary regression models the mean of a distribution as a linear function of X, quantile regression models a specific quantile (e.g. the 90th percentile) as a function of X.

Median regression is a special case of quantile regression. Median regression is sometimes cast in terms of minimizing |y - X * beta|, because the median is the optimal action under L1 loss. Similarly, selecting quantile tau is optimal under the asymmetric loss function

ρτ(u)=τuI(u>0)+(1τ)uI(u<0)\rho_\tau(u) = \tau u I(u > 0) + (1-\tau) u I(u < 0)

Thus quantile regression (for a specific quantile tau) minimizes

Q(β)=iρτ(yiβTxi)Q(\beta) = \sum_i \rho_\tau( y_i - \beta^Tx_i)

Bayesian quantile regression treats


as a likelihood function to which a prior distribution p(β)p(\beta) is applied. For posterior sampling, a data augmentation scheme is used where each observation is associated with a latent variable λi\lambda_i, which has a marginal distribution of

Exp(2τ(1τ)).Exp(2 \tau(1-\tau)).

The conditional distribution given the residual r=yxβr = y - x \beta is

1λrInvGaus(1/r,1.0)\frac{1}{\lambda} | r \sim InvGaus( 1 / |r|, 1.0)

The conditional distribution of beta given complete data (lambda and y) is a weighted least squares regression, where observation i has precision λi\lambda_i and where observation i is offset by 2(τ1)λi2(\tau - 1)\lambda_i.


Returns an object of class qreg.spike, which inherits from lm.spike. The returned object is a list with the following elements


A niter by ncol(x) matrix of regression coefficients, many of which may be zero. Each row corresponds to an MCMC iteration.


The prior used to fit the model. If a prior was supplied as an argument it will be returned. Otherwise this will be the automatically generated prior based on the other function arguments.


Steven L. Scott


Parzen and Polson (2011, unpublished)

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior, plot.qreg.spike, predict.qreg.spike.


n <- 50
  x <- rnorm(n)
  y <- rnorm(n, 4 * x)
  model <- qreg.spike(y ~ x,
                      quantile = .8,
                      niter = 1000,
                      expected.model.size = 100)

  ## Should get a slope near 4 and an intercept near qnorm(.8).
             same.scale = TRUE,
             truth = c(qnorm(.8), 4))

Extract lm.spike Residuals


Get residuals from an lm.spike object.


## S3 method for class 'lm.spike'
    burn = SuggestBurnLogLikelihood(object$log.likelihood),
    mean.only = FALSE,



An object of class lm.spike.


The number of MCMC iterations in the object to be discarded as burn-in.


Logical. If TRUE then the posterior mean of each residual is returned. If FALSE then the full posterior distribution of residuals is returned.


Unused, but present for compatibility with generic residuals function.


The posterior distribution (or posterior mean) of residuals from the model object. If mean.only is TRUE then the return value is the vector of residuals, otherwise the return value is a matrix, with rows corresponding to MCMC iterations, and columns to individual observations.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior summary.lm.spike plot.lm.spike


niter <- 1000
  n <- 100
  p <- 10
  ngood <- 3

  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- rep(0, p)
  good <- sample(1:p, ngood)
  beta[good] <- rnorm(ngood)
  sigma <- 1

  y <- rnorm(n, x %*% beta, sigma)
  model <- lm.spike(y ~ x - 1, niter=niter)
  residuals(model, mean.only = TRUE)

Shrinking Regression Coefficients


Fits a Bayesian regression model with a shrinkage prior on the coefficient. The model is

yiN(xiβ,σ2)1/σ2Gamma(df/2,ss/2)g1(β)N(b1,v1)g2(β)N(b2,v2)% y_i \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma^2) \\ % 1 / \sigma^2 \sim Gamma(df/2, ss/2) \\ % g_1(\beta) \sim N(b1, v1) \\ % g_2(\beta) \sim N(b2, v2) \\ % \dots

In this notation, gk(β)N(bk,vk)g_k(\beta) \sim N(b_k, v_k) indicates that the subset of coefficients in group k are a priori independent draws from the specified normal distribution. In addition, each subset-level prior may include a hyperprior, in which case the subset-level prior parameters will be updated as part of the MCMC. The hyperprior has the form of independent priors on the mean and precision parameters:

bi N(prior.mean,prior.variance)1/vi Chisq(df, b_i ~ N(prior.mean, prior.variance) \\ % 1 / v_i ~ Chisq(df, \\ %


ShrinkageRegression(response, predictors, coefficient.groups,
                    residual.precision.prior = NULL,
                    suf = NULL, niter, ping = niter / 10,
                    seed = NULL)

CoefficientGroup(indices, mean.hyperprior = NULL, sd.hyperprior = NULL,
                 prior = NULL)



The numeric vector of responses.


The matrix of predictors, including an intercept term, if desired.


A list of objects of type CoefficientGroup, defining the pattern in which the coefficients should be shrunk together. Each coefficient must belong to exactly one CoefficientGroup.


An object of type SdPrior describing the prior distribution of the residual standard deviation.


An object of class RegressionSuf containing the sufficient statistics for the regression model. If this is NULL then it will be computed from response and predictors. If it is supplied then response and predictors are not used and can be left missing.


The desired number of MCMC iterations.


The frequency with which to print status updates.


The integer-valued seed (or NULL) to use for the C++ random number generator.


A vector of integers giving the positions of the regression coefficients that should be viewed as exchangeable.


A NormalPrior object describing the hyperprior distribution for the average coefficient.


An SdPrior object describing the hyperprior distribution for the standard deviation of the coefficients.


An object of type NormalPrior giving the initial value of the distribution describing the collection of coefficients in this group. If either hyperprior is NULL then the corresponding prior parameter will not be updated. If both hyperpriors are non-NULL then this parameter can be left unspecified.


ShrinkageRegression returns a list containing MCMC draws from the posterior distribution of model parameters. Each of the following is a matrix, with rows corresponding to MCMC draws, and columsn to distinct parameters.

  • coefficients: regression coefficients.

  • the residual standard deviation from the regression model.

  • group.means: The posterior distribution of the mean of each coefficient group. If no mean hyperprior was assigned to a particular group, then the value here will be a constant (the values supplied by the prior argument to CoefficientGroup for that group).

  • group.sds: The posterior distribution of the standard deviation of each coefficient group. If no sd.hyperprior was assigned to a particular group, then the value here will be a constant (the values supplied by the prior argument to CoefficientGroup for that group).

CoefficientGroup is a configuration utility used to define which coefficients should be shrunk together. It returns an object (list) formatted in the manner expected by ShrinkageRegression.


Steven L. Scott


b0 <- -1
b1 <- rnorm(20, 3, .2)
b2 <- rnorm(30, -4, 7)
nobs <- 10000
beta <- c(b0, b1, b2)

X <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(nobs * (length(beta) - 1)), nrow = nobs, ncol = length(beta) - 1))
y.hat <- X %*% beta
y <- rnorm(nobs, y.hat, .5)

groups <- list(intercept = CoefficientGroup(1, prior = NormalPrior(0, 100)),
               first = CoefficientGroup(2:21,
                                        mean.hyperprior = NormalPrior(0, 100),
                                        sd.hyperprior = SdPrior(.2, 1)),
               second = CoefficientGroup(22:51,
                                         mean.hyperprior = NormalPrior(0, 100),
                                         sd.hyperprior = SdPrior(7, 1)))

model <- ShrinkageRegression(y, X, groups,
                             residual.precision.prior = SdPrior(.5, 1),
                             niter = 1000)

Zellner Prior for Glm's.


A Zellner-style spike and slab prior for generalized linear models. It is intended as a base class for LogitZellnerPrior, PoissonZellnerPrior, and potential future extensions.



    prior.inclusion.probabilities = NULL,
    expected.model.size = NULL,
    max.flips = -1)



The design matrix for the regression problem. No missing data is allowed.


A vector of length nrow(predictors) giving the prior weight assigned to each observation in predictors. This should ideally match the weights from the Fisher information (e.g. p * (1-p)) for logistic regression, or lambda for Poisson regression, but that depends on the model, so a typical thing to do is to set all the weights the same.


Used to set the prior mean for the intercept. The mean of the response, expressed on the natural scale. This is logit(p-hat) for logits and log(ybar) for Poissons.


A positive number less than ncol(x), representing a guess at the number of significant predictor variables. Used to obtain the 'spike' portion of the spike and slab prior.


A positive scalar. Number of observations worth of weight that should be given to the prior estimate of beta.


The conditionally Gaussian prior for beta (the "slab") starts with a precision matrix equal to the information in a single observation. However, this matrix might not be full rank. The matrix can be made full rank by averaging with its diagonal. diagonal.shrinkage is the weight given to the diaonal in this average. Setting this to zero gives Zellner's g-prior.


If desired, an estimate of the regression coefficients can be supplied. In most cases this will be a difficult parameter to specify. If omitted then a prior mean of zero will be used for all coordinates except the intercept, which will be set to mean(y).


The maximum number of variable inclusion indicators the sampler will attempt to sample each iteration. If negative then all indicators will be sampled.


A vector giving the prior probability of inclusion for each variable. If NULL then a default set of probabilities is obtained by setting each element equal to min(1, expected.model.size / ncol(x)).


The prior mean of the coefficients in the maximal model (with all coefficients included).


The prior precision (inverse variance) of the coefficients in the maximal model (with all coefficients included).


A Zellner-style spike and slab prior for generalized linear models. Denote the vector of coefficients by β\beta, and the vector of inclusion indicators by γ\gamma. These are linked by the relationship βi0\beta_i \ne 0 if γi=1\gamma_i = 1 and βi=0\beta_i = 0 if γi=0\gamma_i = 0. The prior is

βγN(b,V)\beta | \gamma \sim N(b, V)

γB(π)\gamma \sim B(\pi)

where π\pi is the vector of prior.inclusion.probabilities, and bb is the optional.coefficient.estimate. Conditional on γ\gamma, the prior information matrix is

V1=κ((1α)xTwx/n+αdiag(xTwx/n))V^{-1} = \kappa ((1 - \alpha) x^Twx / n + \alpha diag(x^Twx / n))

The matrix xTwxx^Twx is, for suitable choice of the weight vector ww, the total Fisher information available in the data. Dividing by nn gives the average Fisher information in a single observation, multiplying by κ\kappa then results in κ\kappa units of "average" information. This matrix is averaged with its diagonal to ensure positive definiteness.

In the formula above, κ\kappa is prior.information.weight, α\alpha is diagonal.shrinkage, and ww is a diagonal matrix with all elements set to prior.success.probability * (1 - prior.success.probability). The vector bb and the matrix V1V^{-1} are both implicitly subscripted by γ\gamma, meaning that elements, rows, or columsn corresponding to gamma = 0 should be omitted.

The "Direct" version is intended for situations where the predictors are unavailable, or if the user wants more control over the prior precision matrix.


Returns an object of class SpikeSlabGlmPrior, which is a list with data elements encoding the selected prior values.

This object is intended for use as a base class for LogitZellnerPrior and PoissonZellnerPrior.


Steven L. Scott


Hugh Chipman, Edward I. George, Robert E. McCulloch, M. Clyde, Dean P. Foster, Robert A. Stine (2001), "The Practical Implementation of Bayesian Model Selection" Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, Vol. 38, pp. 65-134. Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

Create a spike and slab prior for use with lm.spike.


Creates a spike and slab prior for use with lm.spike.


               y = NULL,
               expected.r2 = .5,
               prior.df = .01,
               expected.model.size = 1,
               prior.information.weight = .01,
               diagonal.shrinkage = .5,
               optional.coefficient.estimate = NULL,
               max.flips = -1,
               mean.y = mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),
               sdy = sd(as.numeric(y), na.rm = TRUE),
               prior.inclusion.probabilities = NULL,
               sigma.upper.limit = Inf)

                     max.flips = -1,
                     sigma.upper.limit = Inf)

                        optional.coefficient.estimate = NULL,
                        expected.model.size = 1,
                        prior.information.weight = .01,
                        diagonal.shrinkage = .5,
                        max.flips = -1,
                        prior.inclusion.probabilities = NULL)



The design matrix for the regression problem. Missing data is not allowed.


The vector of responses for the regression. Missing data is not allowed. If y is not available, you can pass y = NULL, and specify mean.y and sdy instead.


The expected R-square for the regression. The spike and slab prior requires an inverse gamma prior on the residual variance of the regression. The prior can be parameterized in terms of a guess at the residual variance, and a "degrees of freedom" representing the number of observations that the guess should weigh. The guess at sigma^2 is set to (1-expected.r2) * var(y) .


A positive scalar representing the prior 'degrees of freedom' for estimating the residual variance. This can be thought of as the amount of weight (expressed as an observation count) given to the expected.r2 argument.


A positive number less than ncol(x), representing a guess at the number of significant predictor variables. Used to obtain the 'spike' portion of the spike and slab prior.


A positive scalar. Number of observations worth of weight that should be given to the prior estimate of beta.


The conditionally Gaussian prior for beta (the "slab") starts with a precision matrix equal to the information in a single observation. However, this matrix might not be full rank. The matrix can be made full rank by averaging with its diagonal. diagonal.shrinkage is the weight given to the diaonal in this average. Setting this to zero gives Zellner's g-prior.


If desired, an estimate of the regression coefficients can be supplied. In most cases this will be a difficult parameter to specify. If omitted then a prior mean of zero will be used for all coordinates except the intercept, which will be set to mean(y).


The maximum number of variable inclusion indicators the sampler will attempt to sample each iteration. If max.flips <= 0 then all indicators will be sampled.


The mean of the response vector, for use in cases when specifying the response vector is undesirable.


The dimension of the predictor matrix.


The standard deviation of the response vector, for use in cases when specifying the response vector is undesirable.


A vector giving the prior probability of inclusion for each variable.


The largest acceptable value for the residual standard deviation. A non-positive number is interpreted as Inf.


The prior mean of the coefficients in the maximal model (with all variables included).


The prior precision (inverse variance) of the coefficients in the maximal model (with all variables included).


Prior estimate of the residual standard deviation.


A list with with the components necessary to run lm.spike.

SpikeSlabPrior is intended for use in traditional regression problems, when the matrix of predictors and the vector of responses are available to the modeler.

ConditionalZellnerPrior is intended for cases where the predictor variables are potentially unknown, because they depend on model parameters or latent variables, for example. For models that support ConditionalZellnerPrior, the underlying C++ code must know where to find the relevant predictors on which to condition the prior.


Steven L. Scott


George and McCulloch (1997), "Approaches to Bayesian Variable Selection", Statistica Sinica, 7, 339 – 373.


x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(900), ncol = 9))
  beta <- rep(0, 10)
  beta[1] <- 3
  beta[5] <- -4
  beta[8] <- 2
  y <- rnorm(100, x %*% beta)
  ## x has 10 columns, including the intercept
  prior <- SpikeSlabPrior(x, y,
             expected.model.size = 3,  # expect 3 nonzero predictors
             prior.df = .01,           # weaker prior than the default
             prior.information.weight = .01,
             diagonal.shrinkage = 0,   # use Zellner's prior
             optional.coefficient.estimate = rep(0, 10) # shrink to zero
  ## now 'prior' can be fed to 'lm.spike'
  model <- lm.spike(y ~ x - 1, niter = 1000, prior = prior)

Base class for spike and slab priors


A base class for SpikeSlabPrior and SpikeSlabPriorBase to ensure that elements common to both classes are handled consistently. Users will not normally interact with this function.


                   expected.r2 = .5,
                   prior.df = .01,
                   expected.model.size = 1,
                   optional.coefficient.estimate = NULL,
                   prior.inclusion.probabilities = NULL,
                   sigma.upper.limit = Inf)



The number of columns in x.


The expected R-square for the regression. The spike and slab prior requires an inverse gamma prior on the residual variance of the regression. The prior can be parameterized in terms of a guess at the residual variance, and a "degrees of freedom" representing the number of observations that the guess should weigh. The guess at sigma^2 is set to (1-expected.r2) * var(y) .


A positive scalar representing the prior 'degrees of freedom' for estimating the residual variance. This can be thought of as the amount of weight (expressed as an observation count) given to the expected.r2 argument.


A positive number less than ncol(x), representing a guess at the number of significant predictor p variables. Used to compute a default value of prior.inclusion.probabilities if the latter is NULL.


If desired, an estimate of the regression coefficients can be supplied. In most cases this will be a difficult parameter to specify. If omitted then a prior mean of zero will be used for all coordinates except the intercept, which will be set to mean.y.


The mean of the response vector. Used to create a default value of optional.coefficient.estimate when the latter is NULL.


The standard deviation of the response vector. Used along with expected.r2 to create a prior estimate of the residual variance.


A vector giving the prior probability of inclusion for each coefficient.


The largest acceptable value for the residual standard deviation. A non-positive number is interpreted as Inf.


Returns an object of class SpikeSlabPriorBase, which is a list with the following elements.

  • prior.inclusion.probabilities: A vector giving the prior probability of inclusion for each coefficient.

  • mu: A vector giving the prior mean of each coefficient conditional on inclusion.

  • sigma.guess: A prior estimate of the residual standard deviation.

  • prior.df: The number of observations worth of weight to be given to sigma.guess.


Steven L. Scott


George and McCulloch (1997), "Approaches to Bayesian Variable Selection", Statistica Sinica, 7, 339 – 373.

Spline Basis Expansions


Spline basis expansions of a continuous variable.


BsplineBasis(x, knots = NULL, numknots = 3)
  MsplineBasis(x, knots = NULL, numknots = 3)
  IsplineBasis(x, knots = NULL, numknots = 3)

  ## S3 method for class 'SplineBasis'
knots(Fn, ...)



A numeric vector to be expanded.


A numeric vector of knots defining the expansion. The smallest and largest elements in knots defines the range of the expansion. These knots are (notionally) replicated infinitely many times.


If the knot vector is NULL then create a vector of length numknots that partitions x into numknots + 1 eqiprobable segments.


A spline basis matrix.


Unused, but required to match the signature of the knots generic function in the stats package.


B-splines are the basis most commonly used for additive regression models.

M-splines are an alternative to B-splines, but are rarely used.

I-splines are integrated M-splines. These are monotonic functions, which is useful in monotonic regression problems. If all regression coefficients are positive then the resulting function is nondecreasing.


XsplineBasis returns a matrix formed by the spline basis expansion of x.

knots(Fn) returns the knots attribute of Fn, which might be useful in a second call to the basis expansion function.


Steven L. Scott


Bsplines are described in deBoor (2001), "A Practical Guide to Splines". Springer.

Msplines and Isplines are reviewed by Ramsay (1988), Statistical Science pp. 425-461.


# Plot the B-spline basis for x with knots determined by 3 quantiles.
x <- sort(rnorm(1000))
basis <- BsplineBasis(x, numknots=3)
for(i in 1:5) plot(x, basis[, i], type="l")

# Plot the I-spline basis for x with the same knots.
basis <- IsplineBasis(x, numknots=3)
for(i in 1:5) plot(x, basis[, i], type="l")

# Bring you own knots...
basis <- BsplineBasis(x, knots = quantile(x, c(.2, .5, .8, .9)))
for(i in 1:6) plot(x, basis[, i], type="l")


Spike and Slab Prior for Student-T Regression


A Zellner-style spike and slab prior for regression models with Student-t errors.


    response.vector = NULL,
    expected.r2 = .5,
    prior.df = .01,
    expected.model.size = 1,
    prior.information.weight = .01,
    diagonal.shrinkage = .5,
    optional.coefficient.estimate = NULL,
    max.flips = -1,
    mean.y = mean(response.vector, na.rm = TRUE),
    sdy = sd(as.numeric(response.vector), na.rm = TRUE),
    prior.inclusion.probabilities = NULL,
    sigma.upper.limit = Inf,
    degrees.of.freedom.prior = UniformPrior(.1, 100))



The design matrix for the regression problem. Missing data is not allowed.


The vector of responses for the regression. Missing data is not allowed. If response.vector is not available, you can pass response.vector = NULL, and specify mean.y and sdy instead.


The expected R-square for the regression. The spike and slab prior requires an inverse gamma prior on the residual variance of the regression. The prior can be parameterized in terms of a guess at the residual variance, and a "degrees of freedom" representing the number of observations that the guess should weigh. The guess at sigma^2 is set to (1-expected.r2) * var(y) .


A positive scalar representing the prior 'degrees of freedom' for estimating the residual variance. This can be thought of as the amount of weight (expressed as an observation count) given to the expected.r2 argument.


A positive number less than ncol(x), representing a guess at the number of significant predictor variables. Used to obtain the 'spike' portion of the spike and slab prior.


A positive scalar. Number of observations worth of weight that should be given to the prior estimate of beta.


The conditionally Gaussian prior for beta (the "slab") starts with a precision matrix equal to the information in a single observation. However, this matrix might not be full rank. The matrix can be made full rank by averaging with its diagonal. diagonal.shrinkage is the weight given to the diaonal in this average. Setting this to zero gives Zellner's g-prior.


If desired, an estimate of the regression coefficients can be supplied. In most cases this will be a difficult parameter to specify. If omitted then a prior mean of zero will be used for all coordinates except the intercept, which will be set to mean(y).


The maximum number of variable inclusion indicators the sampler will attempt to sample each iteration. If max.flips <= 0 then all indicators will be sampled.


The mean of the response vector, for use in cases when specifying the response vector is undesirable.


The standard deviation of the response vector, for use in cases when specifying the response vector is undesirable.


A vector giving the prior probability of inclusion for each variable.


The largest acceptable value for the residual standard deviation. A non-positive number is interpreted as Inf.


An object of class DoubleModel representing the prior distribution for the Student T tail thickness (or "degrees of freedom") parameter.


A SpikeSlabPrior with degrees.of.freedom.prior appended.


Steven L. Scott


George and McCulloch (1997), "Approaches to Bayesian Variable Selection", Statistica Sinica, 7, 339 – 373.

Suggest Burn-in


Suggest a burn-in period for a Bayesian neural network model.





An object inheriting from class BayesNnet.


See SuggestBurnLogLikelihood for details of the on how the burn-in period is suggested. In this case the negative the residual standard deviation is used as a proxy for log likelihood.


A non-negative integer less than the number of MCMC draws.


Steven L. Scott

See Also


Numerical summaries of coefficients from a spike and slab regression.


Produces a summary of the marginal distribution of model coefficients from a spike and slab regression.


SummarizeSpikeSlabCoefficients(beta, burn = 0, order = TRUE)



A matrix containing MCMC draws of regression coefficients. Each row is an MCMC draw. Each column is a coefficient.


The number of MCMC iterations in the ojbect to be discarded as burn-in.


Logical. If TRUE then the coefficients are presented in order of their posterior inclusion probabilities. Otherwise the order of the coefficients is the same as in object.


A five-column matrix with rows representing model coefficients. The first two columns are the posterior mean and standard deviation of each coefficient, including the point mass at zero. The next two columns are the posterior mean and standard deviations conditional on the coefficient being nonzero. The last column is the probability of a nonzero coefficient.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike summary.lm.spike


n <- 100
  p <- 10
  ngood <- 3
  niter <- 1000
  sigma <- 2

  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  y <- rnorm(n, x %*% beta, sigma)
  x <- x[,-1]
  model <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
  hist(model$sigma)  ## should be near 8
  SummarizeSpikeSlabCoefficients(model$beta, burn = 100)

Numerical summaries of the results from a spike and slab regression.


Produces a summary of the marginal distribution of model coefficients from a spike and slab regression.


## S3 method for class 'lm.spike'
summary(object, burn = 0, order = TRUE, ...)



An object of class lm.spike.


The number of MCMC iterations in the ojbect to be discarded as burn-in.


Logical. If TRUE then the coefficients are presented in order of their posterior inclusion probabilities. Otherwise the order of the coefficients is the same as in object.


Unused. Present for compatibility with generic summary().


Returns a list with the following elements:


A five-column matrix with rows representing model coefficients. The first two columns are the posterior mean and standard deviation of each coefficient, including the point mass at zero. The next two columns are the posterior mean and standard deviations conditional on the coefficient being nonzero. The last column is the probability of a nonzero coefficient.

A summary of the posterior distribution of the residual standard deviation parameter.


A summary of the posterior distribution of the R^2 statistic: 1 -^2 / var(y)


Steven L. Scott

See Also

lm.spike SpikeSlabPrior plot.lm.spike predict.lm.spike


n <- 100
  p <- 10
  ngood <- 3
  niter <- 1000
  sigma <- 2

  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  y <- rnorm(n, x %*% beta, sigma)
  x <- x[,-1]
  model <- lm.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)
  hist(model$sigma)  ## should be near 8

Numerical summaries of the results from a spike and slab logistic regression.


Produces a summary of the marginal distribution of model coefficients from a spike and slab logistic regression.


## S3 method for class 'logit.spike'
        burn = 0,
        order = TRUE,
        cutpoint.scale = c("probability", "logit"),
        cutpoint.basis = c("sample.size", "equal.range"),
        number.of.buckets = 10,
        coefficients = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'probit.spike'
        burn = 0,
        order = TRUE,
        cutpoint.scale = c("probability", "probit"),
        cutpoint.basis = c("sample.size", "equal.range"),
        number.of.buckets = 10,
        coefficients = TRUE,



An object of class logit.spike or probit.spike.


The number of MCMC iterations in the ojbect to be discarded as burn-in.


Logical. If TRUE then the coefficients are presented in order of their posterior inclusion probabilities. Otherwise the order of the coefficients is the same as in object.


The scale that should be used to determine the buckets for the comparison of predicted and actual probabilities.


How should the buckets be determined in the comparison of predicted to actual probabilities? If "sample.sample", then each bucket contains the same fraction of data. If "equal.range" then the buckets are formed by parititioning the range of the predicted probabilities, and each bucket occupies the same amount of space on the real line.


The number of buckets to use in the comparison of predicted to actual probabilities.


Logical value indicating whether the coefficient summary should be included in the output. It can be useful to suppress the coefficients if there are many of them.


Unused. Present for compatibility with generic summary().


Returns a list with the following elements

  • coefficients: A five-column matrix summarizing the model coefficients, produced by SummarizeSpikeSlabCoefficients.

  • null.log.likelihood: The log likelihood of the null binomial model evaluated at the MLE.

  • mean.log.likelihood: The average value of log likelihood visited by the sampler.

  • max.log.likelihood: The largest log likelihood value visited by the sampler.

  • deviance.r2: The deviance R-square obtained by taking (null.likelihood - mean.log.likelihood) / null.log.likelihood

  • deviance.r2.distribution: The value of the deviance R-square statistic at each point visited by the MCMC chain. This is not printed by the print method.

  • predicted.vs.actual: A table obtained by paritioning the data into buckets, and comparing the aveage predicted probability with the empirical success rate in each bucket.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

logit.spike probit.spike SpikeSlabPrior


n <- 100
  p <- 10
  ngood <- 3
  niter <- 1000

  x <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n * (p-1)), nrow=n))
  beta <- c(rnorm(ngood), rep(0, p - ngood))
  prob <- plogis(x %*% beta)
  y <- runif(n) < prob
  x <- x[,-1]
  model <- logit.spike(y ~ x, niter=niter)